It was great. I hadn't been sleeping well, so I was like, "just get up and be productive"
Ate good all day. I was able to stick to the low-carb routine and got in a lot of fresh veggies and fruit. I reconnected wiht my usual tuna and hummus lunch...THEY ARE AMAZING TOGETHER. Just in case you didn't know. Someone once suggested that on a WW message board, and I thought they were nuts. Turns out they weren't. Tuna sandwiches here I come.
Went on a run with a friend and was able to do 20 minutes of constant outdoor jogging. A vast improvement over last run. So that was pretty exciting. I ran until almost my legs wouldn't go anymore.
I feel strong today. So hopefully I'll be able to stay on the straight and narrow.
See ya on the flipside!
god job on the exercising. Keep it up and you will reach your goal before you know it.